Mp3 is one of the most popular audio formats. Sometimes you have to convert your audio files into Mp3 so that you can listen to them in any audio or media player. This program will allow you to do so. NewLive All Audio To Mp3 Converter 6.4 can help you convert WAVE and WMA files into Mp3 in a short amount of time. The program works with a high level of quality and a fast conversion speed. Moreover, the program boasts a simplified interface which requires no expert knowledge to be used.
With NewLive All Audio To Mp3 Converter you will also be able to convert Mp3 files into WAVE and WMA music format. To convert your audio files from one into another, you just have to select the audio files you want to convert and then click on the convert button. The program will display a progress bar that will indicate how advanced the conversion is. If you don't want to convert anymore or you want to pause your conversions, you will be able to do that by simply clicking on the right button. This conversion tool can be installed and run if you have Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003.